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Now you may have heard that people want to keep embarrassing things to themselves. But, I want to tell you about my most embarrassing moment. It all starts with my family and Disney’s Animal Kingdom. That day I did not feel good and I was on my grandpa’s electric wheelchair. We were on our way to the Lion King play. So, we got there and I was still not feeling well, so I told my mom who said, “it was nothing.” So, I just watched the play, but I’m telling you, I just was not feeling good. My stomach was not feeling good, my throat had something in it, and I wanted to get out of there cause it did not smell good. I groaned and my cheeks blew up and then it happened - at the end of the play I threw up! Luckily it was the end of the play, but the sad part was that I threw up on my new jean jacket and my shirt! So, my sister had to go buy me a new Animal Kingdom shirt while I was in the bathroom cleaning myself up. So, that is how I got my Animal Kingdom shirt and the most embarrassing moment that I will tell you. Now, see if someone will tell you a better embarrassing moment, because I doubt there is a better one.
| is proud to present talking with jarvis !
install the new color for the exonent3000
checking system
done with download
thank-you jarvis " your welcome"
oh and about that new twenty-million mile long roller-coster
pic of the month
if you know scrooge then you'll laugh at this